Monday, August 3, 2020

Garden Update

The garden has been surprising us every week.

At one point, out tomatoes were yellow and hadn't grown. They've now greened up a bit and have a few tomatoes on them. They've grown ever so slightly. We will definitely plant them in a sunnier and less wet area next year. At least we will get like 5 tomatoes from them! Haha!

The zuchini plant has been loving the heat and it grew so big out of nowhere! I ate our first zuchini from it yesterday. We grew this from seed and it was a late bloomer but I'm glad it's happy now.

                                                              The lone zuchinni was yummmmmy.

Our lettuce is supposed to be good for any season (except the dead of winter.) I can't remember the exact variety. I made a salad of it a few weeks ago and it was disgusting! Haha! It was very bitter. Maybe if I'm brave, I'll try picking the rest and eating it.

The cucumbers didn't take off. Surprisingly they have some flowers but I'm not expecting anything this late in the season.

 Our peas are still going strong in the garden bed! I'm glad they've done so well this year.

Most of the sweet potatoes have taken off. I still have a while before we can harvest them.

We planted several bare root strawberry plants and they're thriving. They're all pretty big and sending runners. I don't think I'm supposed to let them grow the strawberries yet but...I kind of want to see what happens.

The pumpkin plant is growing well but no pumpkins on it yet. I can't wait! They're small pumpkins so I'm not worried about the delay yet.

Our watermelon plant took over the whole side yard! I had to cut it back a bit. We picked our first watermelon and it was white inside 😭.

                       However, since picking that watermelon we have several growing now. Yesssss.

 Our raspberry and blackberry plants are growing really well! I'm sure in a couple years when they are established, we will get a lot of berries!

Last but not least, the mammoth sunflower is happy. We think the flower on top will make its appearance any day now. My daughter will be able to see it out her bedroom window. 

All in all, the garden is doing a lot better than the last post. I'll do another update at the end of August!


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