Wednesday, July 1, 2020

DIY thistle wreath

A couple weeks ago, I went out to the creek near my house and cut some milk thistle flowers. They are prickly weeds, but they are SO vibrantly colored and pretty! So, I thought they would look nice on a wreath.

I forgot to bring my gardening gloves, so it is was a bit of a painful experience, haha!

I took them home and tied rubber bands around them and some clothes pins. Then I stuck them to my diy herb dryer.

I just love the gorgeous fuchsia color! These flowers are very large and thick, so it took a couple weeks for them to dry out. They had a couple spiders on them, so I returned the spiders back outside.

Alright, here we are now with them all dried out. Their color has become quite a bit muted, but I think they look rustic. Also, some more spiders appeared! They must be spiders from my basement that were attracted to their scent or something.
Alright, let's get started!
Here's all the supplies I used: A garden clipper, glue gun, gardening gloves, wreath from the dollar store, and the thistle flowers. I remembered the gloves this time! 
I chopped off the stems and used copius amounts of glue on the back of the flowers and just popped them right on the wreath!

So. Much. Glue. Below is the end result:

Time to hang it up!

You'd better like where you put it, because it hurts to move it! Those thistles are soooo sharp!
I ended up liking it but I think it's more appropriate for a fall wreath. It has those more muted colors that look rustic and cozy. This was all free because I already had all the supplies and the thistles were foraged. I love using what I already have around the house!

- Merewyn

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