Monday, June 29, 2020

Fire Season

Yesterday a fire started south of where I live in Utah. It is believed that lightning caused it. It was a very dry and extremely windy day. 58 mph winds. Not good conditions to stop a fire at all.

Yesterday around 12pm, we had gone about 45 minutes south to visit my in-laws and we heard about the fire later that afternoon. The fire was 100% uncontained and the wind was blowing the fire toward homes. The neighborhood next to ours was being evacuated, so my husband and I decided to drive to our house and get our cat and some of our stuff, in case they evacuated us too.

As we drove home, the entire valley was filled with smoke. It was something I've never experienced before to this degree. I could taste the smoke.

When we got home, our neighborhood was filled with smoke and it was incredibly windy.We grabbed our files with our important papers, some clothes and everything that we would need to spend the night. It was really weird to have to quickly think what I didn't care too much about burning and what I did.

My kids were safe at my in laws and we got the cat and some of our stuff and took off. At my in-laws, I couldn't sleep all night, not knowing what would come of our home and worrying even more about the homes closest to the fire. 

This morning I woke up to the news that 10,000 acres had been burned, one home destroyed, and many properties damaged. Our neighborhood still was not evacuated. It is currently 25% contained and the rain last night helped a little bit. The wind has died down too.

While my husband and I were gathering some of our stuff at our house yesterday, I was happy to discover that there weren't many things that I would be devastated to lose. My husband later told me he felt the same way. I simply don't have an emotional attachment to many things. The only thing I would be very sad about losing would be my wedding ring. It would of course, be devastating to lose our whole home and have to start over and I feel terrible about the house that was destroyed. But in the end, having my family and cat safe is the only thing that really matters. Stuff doesn't matter.

I really hope I never have to evacuate in the future, but it was a good reminder to me the importance of having less things.

Alright 2020, thanks for all the lessons so far. 

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