Monday, June 29, 2020

Stumbling Upon Some Wild Chamomile

June 27th

Today I watered the garden after the kids were in bed. While I was drenching the blackberries, I stumbled upon a really strange little bug. It was bright green and it was actually cute!

Anyone know what kind of bug this is?

I immediately told my husband Alex and he said he thought it was a cricket. It's way too cute to be a cricket but I guess we will call it the green cricket for now. In the first picture, she has a bunch of little water droplets all over her, courtesy of me.

After watering the garden, I went for a little walk down the trail in my neighborhood. The trail runs next to a mostly dry creek that's filled with all kinds of weeds and wildflowers.

There has been a ton of what I thought were wild daisies. I decided to use my plant identification app (LeafSnap) and it identified them as chamomile! I was so excited, I love chamomile tea! It's probably my most favorite herbal tea. After further research, I'm pretty sure it's chamomile. I took some home to dry it out.

It's so dang pretty.

I'm going to have a hard time smashing it up to turn it into tea. But I suppose it won't be as pretty when I dry it out.

I have a fear that it's some sort of imposter chamomile weed that is poisonous and it will kill me after I drink tea from it! Dang anxiety always wants to ruin my happy moments. But for now, I'll dry it out in my creepy basement storage room and hope for the best. I will make another post about making it into herbal tea!

- Merewyn

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